Simone Biles honoured as a champion for kids

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Biles and her siblings spent years in foster care as her mother suffered from drug and alcohol addiction. She and her younger sister were adopted by their maternal grandparents when Biles was 6. Years later, when Biles was looking to help children with backgrounds similar to hers, her agent found Friends of the Children.

“I’ve always been passionate about foster care because I know exactly what these kids have gone through and what they go through,” Biles told the LA Times.

Biles has been open about her time in foster care and being adopted, though she said she’s felt more strongly about the importance of speaking out about her past as she’s gotten older. She’s also tried to be available for questions from kids in foster care to act as a resource and inspiration.

Biles has even shared intimate details of her childhood, including not being able to receive proper food while living with her biological mother. Concerned neighbours spoke to social workers, eventually landing the siblings in foster care.

“Growing up, me and my siblings were so focused on food because we didn’t have a lot of food. I remember there was this cat around the house and I’d be so hungry. They would feed this cat and I’m like, ‘Where the heck is my food?'” she shared on Facebook.

The Olympic champion said she is who she is today because of foster care, and she hopes that children in the system know that they can do anything too.

“Sometimes the statistics can be against you, but having someone like me advocate for these kids and knowing that I went through some of the same situations that they went through and came out on top really inspires them,” she told USA Today Sports.

While the gymnast’s schedule does not allow her to serve as a mentor right now, she says her role is “to be a voice for the voiceless and just to advocate for these kids and for the organisation, put their name out there and grow their chapters.”

During the gala, Biles was presented with a custom gold and sapphire necklace with the Friends of the Children ’s logo in appreciation for her work in helping empower children facing foster care and poverty.

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